Not really sure what was going on here.....
Did he think he was going to be on the toilet a long time, thus a snack was deemed necessary?
Did he have a snack cake in his pocket he forgot about?
Was this a drive-by snacking?
I'm wondering how long this snack cake will sit here before he claims it and moves on.
This is day 2 of the mysterious snack cake.
Day 4.
Snack cake still there in same position.
Will it be gone before we need the paper supplies it is guarding??
Stay tuned.
Day 6.
Snack cake still there.
Paper supplies are dwindling from our main source.
The struggle as to who will remove said snack cake from its week-long resting place is still going on......
Son of a......
That man just came in and......
WTF am I gonna do with him??
Welp, I guess we now have ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Part II, Part Deaux, Part Doo, or Number 2) you decide.
Day......ah, who tf knows any more?
Supplies are exhausted from the main paper source.
Snack cake (Part Deuce) is still laying on what's left of auxiliary supplies.
It's getting down to who will claim the delicious peanut buttery goodness this time around.
It's me or him.
May the odds be ever in his favor. ('Cause I sure don't need it) 🤣
Sooo......I look in my handbag and this is what I see.
The snack cake fairy has been to visit.
The other day, there was one in the cabinet with the coffee cups. 🤭🙄😄
I asked my husband if we needed anything from the store today.
He said, "Snack Cakes". 😐
Day 209 1/2. (Or whatever because it feels like this has been going on forever)
As you can see, main paper source is down to (possibly?) one more wipe.
Secondary paper source is now guarded by not just one, but 2 mysterious snack cakes. They are growing their defense.
I shall thwart their efforts by going to a third paper source. AHA!!! TAKE THAT! You enticing gang of fat!!
So we haven't posted on the status of the "Mysterious Snack Cake, Part Doo" in quite a while.
This is the current state of affairs:
Once again, we find ourselves in the frightening dilemma of having to either move the snack cakes, or go in search of another paper source.
Luckily, I still have my hidden stash to pull from.
HaHAA!! You Snack Cake promoter!! You'll not get this chubster to fall for your delicious tricks this time either!!
Well, the final remnants of my hidden stash of paper supplies has dwindled down to nothing.
I can no longer avoid the inevitable.
I'm now forced to remove the "Mysterious Snack Cakes" from their perch.
**I will not eat these, I will not eat these, I will not eat these** I chant to myself as I gently remove them from their months long vigil only to place them in a new location.
Like inside my husband's underwear drawer. Yep. He asked for it.
OK, so........
As some of you may remember, I started the saga of "The Mysterious Snack Cake" quite some time ago.
Since it began as the snack showing up on my supply of important bathroom papers, it has since devolved into the snacks being hidden in various areas of the house or articles of clothing between myself and my husband.
It took him awhile to find the one hidden in the pocket of his shirt that was hanging in the closet.
But I have to admit, I think it took me longer to find this one.
He hid it in my boot. A pair of boots I wear only occasionally.
I was on the phone with a friend when I stuck my bare foot into the boot. I didn't scream, but I'm sure there was, at least, a small grunt of surprise, fear, and me throwing that boot off my foot reeeeaaally fast.
You see, we had a mouse problem for awhile and my first thought was that a mouse had decided to make this boot his home. 😂
The mice have been long eradicated but the fear of mouse dung on my foot is not a pleasant one.
Needless to say, while I was at first a bit upset, I think my husband has won the 'hidden snack cake game'........for now.
I can't wait for him to find where I have it hidden now. 🤣😂
By the way, I hid the snack cake inside one of my husband's flat caps that he keeps in the foyer closet. Since he never reads my silly blog, I think we're safe. 🤣😂
The end......for now. 😄