Thursday, October 21, 2021

Easily Offended

About a week ago or so, I was poking around on messenger and noticed that I had some 'Spam' messages. So of course, I HAD to look. 
One of these messages was from some woman telling me that whatever it was I had made a comment on, or reacted to, was NOT funny and "how would you like it if you got raped by MS-13? OH, but you're so ugly they would probably kill you right away."

Ummm....mmkaay. First of all, she never referenced what it was that I so badly offended her by commenting on, and, really? Do you feel the need to attack someone you don't know so harshly? 
I don't condone evil by spewing evil so I probably disagreed with something blatantly false in the whole post, yet she chose to attack me as if I were the mother of all terror groups. Yes, my vagina is the devil's playground. 🙄🤦‍♀️

Chill lady. It's Facebook, not the Bible. 
However, I did agree to her assessment of my looks while judging her on her intelligence and sensitivity.  
She got blocked. I went on with my life. 


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