Saturday, January 19, 2019

Social Media Hatred

Every time I see a media post, it's something sure to draw division. Why do you continue to take the bait??
I see people spewing hatred at others simply for voicing their opinion.
I see people denigrating each other over a post that may or may not even be factual.
You do realize, don't you, that the person you are hating on may be someone you could actually be friends with if you didn't let social media thwart your opinion?
When will we all wake up? When will we all realize that the hate mongers are out there and doing extremely well since social media became their favorite playground?
Stop taking the bait. Stop allowing yourself to get so caught up in your own opinion that you don't even realize you are being used as fodder for the social media grinder.
Think for yourself.  By all means, please, form your own opinions. But, for heavens sake, realize you are being used when you allow that opinion to become your justfication for annihilating another's self worth.
Remember,  when you are tearing down another person, you are saying something about yourself. Even, or maybe especially so, when its a person you don't even know.

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