Saturday, January 19, 2019

Golden Rule

Consider how you treat others.
Not just in what you do for or against them, but also how you talk to them or about them.
What you do, what you say, and how you act reflect who YOU truly are.
Don't blame your actions on something you heard, something you were told over and over to believe, or something you refuse to give up on even though it may no longer make sense.
Think for yourself. The post below says "God". It can mean "the higher power or creed" you live by. None of us live, breath, think, or believe in the same way.
Why then, do we continue to use and abuse others, whether by deeds or words, simply because that person refuses to see things the way we do? Stop trying to force others to change their views or opinions. Calling them names isn't going to suddenly change a person's mind.  In fact, it may make them hold tighter to that opinion because they believe your attack on them is justification that they are correct. 
All of this division we see is created by us.
Not by "them", not by "they", but by the collective "US".
Next time, before you go on a rant, stop. Think. Consider your words and actions.
Next time, before you start telling some juicy piece of gossip, stop. Think. Consider your words and actions.
Next time someone makes you mad, stop. Think. Consider your words and actions.
Ask yourself if what you are about to say or do reflects your true self.

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