Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Road Whore No More

Yes, I am no longer venturing out on the road for work.  Do I miss it??  You bet your butt I do!!  The money was great and I didn't have to clean up after myself or my kids.  But, life being what it is, I realized that my kids needed me at home more than I needed my sanity.

I did find a job here in this small town I now live in.  At a pharmacy, delivering and clerking.  Yup, I hated it.  I loved the people I worked with and for, but I'm just not cut out for retail.  I wanted to strangle too many people on a daily basis.  Oh, I did get my jollies now and then.  Like the time a young man came in to buy the "morning after pill".  For a "friend".  It's also known as the "Plan B" pill.  As he was leaving, I couldn't help but tell him that next time he should probably try "Plan A"....we sell condoms too!

So I only lasted in that job for about 6 months or so.  No, I didn't get fired.  I quit before I let my mouth get me in trouble.  Now I am among the unemployed.  Yes, I am trying to find a job and I have high hopes of landing one more appropriate to my mental state.  I also have a "plan B", which is to attend school so I can go back to working in the nuclear power field with a better job.  Although, I would rather get the job I'm hoping for here close to home because it has benefits and retirement.  Really gotta have those these days.

So my life has become rather mundane.  I love being with my kids.  I love that they are active in school and have many friends here that keep them busy.  It keeps me busy too.......the cooking, cleaning, laundry, pets, and yard.  Not to mention the hubby coming home now and then to visit and get his laundry done.  Yep, my life is ordinary.

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