Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ditties, Dialogues, & Diatribes: Crap from an Ordinary Life: music and me

Ditties, Dialogues, & Diatribes: Crap from an Ordinary Life: music and me

music and me

There are so many songs in my life that tell my life.  I look them up on youtube to remind me of my life.  It's kind of weird to think of my life in music...or song....but when you think about it, how many of us don't do that?

There are songs that remind us of our youth.....what we consider the "classics".  Yet our elders may consider these same songs as songs of their "coming of age".

I was born in the early 60's, so I consider the songs of my youth as those of the 70's, the songs of my "coming of age" as those of the 80's, and the songs of my growing up years as those of the 90's. 

I haven't been able to accomodate the songs of the 2000's yet.  I like a lot of them, but just don't know how to "label" them.

When I was a young girl, I believed the words the songs told me.  I belived I would find true love, I belived I could win when the world was against me.  I believed that love would overcome the tyranny of government rule.

When I was coming of age, I believed that I could make a difference in this world by spitting on my former "love conquers all" beliefs.  I still belived it, but the "hippies" let me down.  They began selling out.  I still wanted to believe that love would make this world a better place.  I became antagonistic towards the "love" they were selling.

I became sarcastic.  An unbeliever.  Anarchist.  Love doesn't mean shit unless you can put a slap behind it.  Fuck the government, censorship is for assholes, and we don't need you to tell us how to behave.

It got old.  It's too hard to be hateful, despised, wrong.  The government is made up of it's people.  I am one of it's people.  I may not agree with it, but I have to work within it. 

I sometimes wonder now if I am missing the beat of the people.  I don't have the time to listen to music as often as I did.  When I do, I feel out of place.  I long for a simpler, easier time.  I long for my youth.

I long for a time when we can all understand, love without guilt or remorse, be who we are without hesitation, and give to each other without holding back.

Maybe that's what I saw in those songs of so long ago.